In the College of Engineering, our six departments individually oversee all graduate program information. Use the links below to access the department that interests you, and follow the links in its graduate-level menu for full details.
Biomedical Engineering Heading link
Graduate programs: MS and PhD in Biomedical Engineering, MS and PhD in Bioinformatics
Chemical Engineering Heading link
Graduate programs: MS and PhD in Chemical Engineering
Civil, Materials, and Environmental Engineering Heading link
Graduate programs: MS and PhD in Civil Engineering, MS and PhD in Materials Engineering, MS in Construction Engineering and Management
Computer Science Heading link
Graduate programs: MS and PhD in Computer Science
Electrical and Computer Engineering Heading link
Graduate programs: MS and PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Heading link
Graduate programs: MS and PhD in Mechanical Engineering, MS and PhD in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, MS in Energy Engineering
Online Master of Engineering Heading link
Graduate programs: All-online Master of Engineering (MEng)