Professor Tuninetti named IEEE Fellow
Professor Tuninetti named IEEE Fellow Heading link

Daniela Tuninetti, professor and interim head of the electrical and computer engineering department, was named a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in January.
The distinction is reserved for members whose “extraordinary accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest” are deemed fitting for elevation to the honor. To be considered, members are nominated by a current Fellow and then voted on by a committee of other Fellows in their area of expertise or society. Of nearly 420,000 members of IEEE, fewer than 2 percent hold this distinction. Tuninetti, a member of the IEEE Information Theory Society, was one of 282 members elevated to the rank of Fellow in 2021.
“It’s good to see your peer community recognize the importance of your work,” Tuninetti said.
She explained that a nominator must pick a specific aspect of your work—your most influential papers and work that made an impact on the field—as a reason to be recognized. In Tuninetti’s case, it was for her contributions to the theory of repetition protocols and wireless interference management, work that began with her PhD thesis.
Tuninetti explained that at the time, in 2000, an increasing number of wireless users were crowding onto channels and competing for limited resources, creating interference. She proposed a theoretical framework for managing the interference and computed the performance in the channels based on the number of users and the level of interference.
“This problem of interference in networks still exists today, and we still do not know the best way to deal with it in general,” Tuninetti said. “Having an analytical framework can make it easier to design efficient communication strategies.”
To learn more about Tuninetti’s work, visit the department head page.